Piano Showroom: 613-731-5678 | Music School: 613-731-1379

Children’s Piano Lessons – Private

Piano lessons especially at a young age, can help a student develop motor skills, creative skills, and all-around academics.

We offer private piano lessons for beginner, intermediate, and advanced students. Lessons are offered for ages 6 and older.  A one-on-one learning environment gives students a chance to set their own goals and learn at their own pace, while having fun. Group lessons are recommended for those 6 and under. Private lessons are given Monday through Saturday, daytime and evenings.

Music lessons at an early age can have positive, life-long lasting effects on the brain. In a study, 6-year-old children were given either piano lessons, drama lessons or no lessons. The children who studied music showed significantly greater improvement in their IQ than the other children (Schellenberg 2004).

In another study, 8-year-old children showed enhanced reading and pitch discrimination after only 6 months of musical training (Moreno et al 2009). The more we learn, the clearer it becomes that exposure to music and musical teachings can have wonderful effects on a child’s developing brain.

Psychology Today says:

Brain circuits involved in musical improvisation are shaped by systematic training, leading to less reliance on working memory and more extensive connectivity within the brain. Read More…

Visit Ottawa Pianos

1412 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON
K1H 7Y9

Music School: 613-731-1379
Showroom: 613-731-5678