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5 Tips For Adults To Master Piano Practice

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5 Tips For Adults To Master Piano Practice

2 min read

How to stay on track? It is all about discipline, and no one is born disciplined we need to develop it. The result is accomplishing your practice goals.

1. Finish
Challenge yourself to finish. Focus on finishing the small things. One line or one very difficult bar. If you can finish a small part, it’s a win. A little thing finished makes it easier to finish the bigger things. Don’t allow yourself to stop early or give an excuse.

2. Plan ahead
How can you make it easier on yourself? If you plan on practicing, plan on what you will be practicing,  when will you practice, how long will you practice. If you have not planned ahead you start to wander and there is more effort required of you. For example if you are preparing for RCM Exam,  on Monday, you will start with 2 scales for 5 minutes, work 10 minutes on a study, List A Right hand paying attention to fingering. The more detailed the plan the better. Remember little goals!

3. Design your environment to help you be more disciplined
Remove temptation! You are in control, phone is in another room, don’t allow yourself to slip into reading that text. The lighting in the room is adequate and of course your piano is tuned.

4. Focus on progress not perfection
You are going to mess up! When you go off track up don’t guilt or judge yourself  just make adjustments. If you start your planned practice and another member of the family distracts you, figure a way for this not to happen. Talk to them or schedule practice time when it is quieter.

5. Reward yourself
An increasing level of competence, or progress is a great reward, it is the ultimate reward,  but that is not always enough. Once you achieved a small goal reward yourself. Only you know what reward will work for you! A glass of wine with dinner, an extra hour of sleep, or perhaps a new book from the best seller list.

Start out slowly, focus on these 5 tips. Discipline is like a muscle. Consistent practice will build that discipline just as our muscles would grow from lifting weights.  Enjoy your musical journey, celebrate the small goals it gives you the confidence to go on to the larger goals!