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Surprising your Family with a Piano for Christmas

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Surprising your Family with a Piano for Christmas

2 min read

A piano is one of the most memorable Christmas gifts your family can receive.

A piano is a lifetime gift; one that will stay with your children as they grow, bringing the love of music not only to your household but to multiple generations.

Your loved ones will have memories of sitting at the piano, learning how to play, and sharing their music. The gift of music is one that gives for a lifetime, and one that will continue to give as your children pass on their passion for music to their children.

It can be a creative feat to surprise your family with a piano for Christmas! Ottawa Pianos offers delivery through to Christmas Eve- but we do need ample time to organize this. Some families choose to surprise their loved ones with a Christmas Eve reveal, while others like to cordon off the room the piano is in for a dramatic Christmas Day reveal. However, if it is impossible to plan a surprise delivery or you are set on having something to put under the tree, here are some fun ideas for you.


1. Wrap the Box

This is one of our favourite ways to surprise a family with a piano for Christmas. Many pianos come in a big cardboard box, our technicians assemble the pianos for our showrooms and for delivery. We can keep a piano box around, and we will happily deliver it with the piano. But be aware, it is a very big box!


2. Wrap the Key

Many of our acoustic pianos come with a beautiful key that lock the lid. Put the key in a small box with tinsel.


3. Yamaha Clavinova Digital Pianos Can be Assembled by you Christmas Morning

Yamaha Clavinovas are one of the most popular digital pianos in Canada. They’re also one of the easiest pianos to surprise families with for the holidays! These are some of the best-sellers during the holidays (and they usually sell out in the first week or two of December, so order yours today early).
You can wrap the box and assemble it after the family has opened the big box, or you can assemble the Clavinova and hide it in a secret room, or wrap it next to the tree, though it is a lot of wrapping.


4. Make A puzzle

If you are the crafty sort, you can take a picture of the piano and print it onto puzzle pieces (yardstick paper works fine–there are lots of puzzle patterns online you can use) Staples and Walmart offer customized photo puzzles. Snap a pic of your new piano (or ask our salesperson to email or text you one of our official images of the piano) and order a puzzle of your Christmas Piano surprise.


5. Framed Photo

Wrap a framed photo of your new piano with a big Christmas bow on it.


6. Scavenger Hunt

Hide a series of clues, each with a hint about the present and a map/hint to the next clue. You could also hide a piece of a picture that your family can put together to complete a picture of your new piano, or each clue can lead to a letter P-I-A-N-O to spell out P-I-A-N-O. If you go the “guess the gift” route, some hints might include:
. This present is bigger than a breadbox
. This present is smaller than an elephant
. This present is too heavy to carry
. The manufacturer of this present is Yamaha
. This present makes music
. This present has hammers and strings
. This present has 88 keys that you press to make a sound
. The name of this present starts with a P and has 5 letters
. The name of this present rhymes with “soprano”.

We hope these ideas will give you some food for thought. If you have any questions do not hesitate to give us a call.